Your Complete Guide To Heat Pump Tumble Dryers

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Your Complete Guide To Heat Pump Tumble Dryers

Tumble dryers are extremely useful pieces of machinery used to dry people’s laundry every day - however, one size does not fit all. There are several different types of dryers, and heat pump tumble dryers are some of the most efficient. But what is a heat pump tumble dryer? And more importantly, how do you know if it’s right for you?

As tumble dryer experts, that’s where we come in! In this guide, we’re taking an in-depth look at the machines, to help you decide if they’re a good fit for your requirements. We’ll discuss what a heat pump tumble dryer is, how it works and the benefits of using heat pump tumble dryers. Let’s begin.

What Is A Heat Pump Tumble Dryer?

A heat pump tumble dryer is an appliance that uses hot air to heat up your laundry. The appliance is similar to other variations of tumble dryers, however uses a specific method containing a heat pump to improve energy efficiency.

Now that we've covered what a heat pump tumble dryer is, let's answer the next question: how does a heat pump tumble dryer work?

How Does A Heat Pump Tumble Dryer Work?

A heat pump tumble dryer passes hot air through the drum and over your laundry. Any excess water is removed from this air before it is placed into the back end of the machine. The same air is heated once again and pushed out through the drum, over your laundry. This process repeats until your laundry is completely dry.

In a nutshell: heat pump tumble dryers reheat air in the drum and pass this air over your laundry to ensure it is dry. This gentle drying technique uses a lower temperature, making the machine energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and budget-friendly, too.

How Much Do Heat Pump Tumble Dryers Cost?

Our tumble dryers with heat pumps start at £349, with prices ranging up to £1,899. The overall price will vary, depending on your requirements. For instance, some dryers such as the Siemens 9kg heat pump tumble dryer have a larger drum capacity, for those in bigger households that do more laundry. As a result of the increased space, these dryers tend to be more expensive than those with smaller capacities.

Other factors that affect the cost of heat pump tumble dryers include the manufacturer, the design of the dryer and any additional features.

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Heat Pump Tumble Dryer?

Heat pump tumble dryers are some of the most effective types of dryers available today. The benefits of using heat pump tumble dryers include:

  • Energy-efficient - These tumble dryers use lower temperatures to heat clothes, taking up less energy.

  • Cost-effective - As air is reheated and less energy is consumed, there are lower costs to dry your laundry. Heat pump tumble dryers may have a large initial cost, however you will save more in the long term thanks to their minimal running costs.

  • Environmentally friendly - The low energy usage makes heat pump tumble dryers more environmentally friendly than other dryers using high amounts of energy.

  • Gentle on clothes - The drying technique used is gentle on laundry and protects clothes from damage.

  • Better than hanging clothes up to dry - These dryers dry clothes faster than if they were to be hung up to dry. They are also better for your home than drying clothes indoors.

  • Ideal for those living in cold or rainy climates - Heat pump tumble dryers are excellent choices if you live in an area with minimal sunny weather. Simply load your dryer and let it get to work - don't let the rain stop you!

How Do You Install A Heat Pump Tumble Dryer?

A heat pump tumble dryer does not need to be plumbed in. Instead, you can simply plug it in and instantly start drying your laundry. This makes these dryers completely flexible for installation anywhere in your home. With no requirement for plumbing, your dryer can be placed wherever suits you best - whether that is in the kitchen, hidden away in a cupboard or anywhere else.

What Is The Difference Between A Heat Pump And A Condenser Tumble Dryer?

The main difference between a heat pump tumble dryer and a condenser tumble dryer is the way each model extracts hot air. A heat pump tumble dryer will repeatedly pass hot air through the drum and over clothes, and is considered to be the most energy-efficient method.

On the other hand, condenser tumble dryers use a different method, condensing water from damp clothes into the air and storing the water in a removable container in the machine. This water must then be emptied when the container is full. Condenser dryers tend to have a lower up-front cost, however have higher running costs than a heat pump tumble dryer.

So, Is A Heat Pump Tumble Dryer Right For You?

Heat pump tumble dryers are excellent choices for anyone who is looking for an energy-efficient dryer that is gentle on your laundry. These dryers have a higher initial cost than other tumble dryers, however their low running costs end up saving you money in the long run.

So if you're looking for a tumble dryer that is economical and environmentally friendly, then a heat pump tumble dryer is your best bet. Alternatively, if you would like to browse our complete range of tumble dryers to see all available options, you can do so here.